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Cultural Awareness

We respect and value everyone and the richness their diversity brings. This includes both our members and providers. Following are links to educational and enrichment materials, resources and community organizations related to diversity and inclusion.

Black Child Development Institute-Milwaukee

Black Child Development Institute-Milwaukee has been instrumental in advocating for and promoting the quality of life for children of color and their families in the Milwaukee community. African American children face many unique challenges in American society. In Milwaukee, stressors like poverty, violence, mental health, child abuse, neglect, poor education, and teen pregnancy impact their quality of life. BCDI-Milwaukee is committed to helping African American children overcome challenges and barriers in education, health care, mental health, and child welfare that might prevent them from reaching their full potential in life.

Culture CluesTM

Culture CluesTM are tip sheets for clinicians, designed to increase awareness about concepts and preferences of patients from the diverse cultures served by University of Washington Medical Center.

  • Culture Care Conflicts Quiz — Become more aware of and sensitive to cultural differences in health care and their impact on customer experiences.

Tapestry Cards

Tapestry Cards present information on culture that can help us become more aware of our patients' and co-workers' views, traditions, and actions. There is information on interpersonal relationships, treatment issues, important holidays and dates, as well as a brief glossary of words and their meanings. While you can use this information as a guide, keep in mind that all people within a culture are not all the same. Be sure to ask your patients and their families about specific beliefs, practices, and customs that may be relevant and important during medical treatment and hospitalization. With respect to co-workers, the same guidance applies to learning more about their beliefs, practices, and customs in order to create respect and teamwork in the work place. These cards are available for our use with permission from the University of Chicago Hospitals.

Learn about the cultures listed below by downloading Tapestry Cards. The cards contain information about how cultures tend to view interpersonal relationships and treatment issues. Please remember that each piece of information does not necessarily apply to all people from the culture. The cards also list some important holidays and dates, as well as a brief glossary of words and their meanings.