Comprehensive Health Care for Children
Care4Kids creates a "medical home" for each child entering care. This "medical home" is not a physical place, but rather a philosophy that children in out-of-home care (OHC) deserve coordinated and comprehensive healthcare that addresses their unique needs.
Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels are fuels produced from biomass sources, including vegetable oils, animal fats, and specialized crops. They are chemically identical to standard petroleum-based products and can be used in existing engines and infrastructure. However, like petroleum-based products, biofuels require strict testing.

We're Here to Help
Our Care4Kids staff is here to answer any questions you may have or respond to needs you have. We can be reached either by phone or email or by phone at 1-855-371-8104.
This phone number is answered directly by Care4Kids staff business days during the following times:
- Monday-Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
- Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

About Eligibility
Care4Kids is a program that is offered to children in out-of-home care within six southeastern Wisconsin counties: Kenosha Milwaukee Ozaukee Racine Washington Waukesha Children become eligible for the program when they are placed in foster care. The program is completely voluntary and parents can choose to take their child out of the program at any time. Children who are enrolled can stay in the program while they remain in out-of-home care and/or for up-to-a-year after they return home or are adopted. There are a few instances where a child may become ineligible for Care4Kids.
Care4Kids is a program that is offered to children in out-of-home care within six southeastern Wisconsin counties:
- Kenosha
- Milwaukee
- Ozaukee
- Racine
- Washington
- Waukesha
Health Screen Assessment
Schedule Your Child's Health Screening
To schedule your child's out-of-home care health screening
Call toll free: 855-371-8104
The Care4Kids benefit recognizes that children in out-of-home care deserve healthcare that reflects their unique needs and therefore emphasizes the importance of using providers trained in these needs. Children will receive an out-of-home health screen within two business days of entering care, preferably at a child advocacy center or child protection center.
A Comprehensive Initial Health Assessment will be provided within 30 days of entering care, preferably at an identified center of excellence. A center of excellence is a medical provider trained in the specific health needs of children in out-of-home care and considered a "champion" in the healthcare field. Providers in the centers of excellence understand the enhanced healthcare needs of the population and have been trained in trauma-informed care. The partnership between the health care coordination team and the centers of excellence ensure that information is shared in a timely, collaborative manner that will improve outcomes for children in out-of-home care.
To schedule your child's out-of-home care health screen, please call toll free 855-371-8104.
See our Centers of Excellence and the Child Advocacy Centers that are available to children in out-of-home care.
Care4Kids Benefits
Through Care4Kids, children in out-of-home care will receive:
- An out-of-home health screen within 2 business days of entering care
- A comprehensive initial health assessment within 30 days of entering care
- Mental Health/Developmental Screening
- A mental health or developmental evaluation(s) (if needed)
- Dental and vision care
- Coordinated ongoing health care from providers trained in the unique needs of children in out-of-home care
- A comprehensive health care plan tailored to the child's individual health needs
- Care4Kids member handbook (English) (Spanish)
Want to know more about the Care4Kids Program?

The Care4Kids Journey
Read the story of one young woman's journey through the Care4Kids program. This program helped her get the medical care she needed and provided her with stable and reliable health care as she navigated foster care